Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Best Posts from the 111th Carnival of Personal Finance

Thanks to Plonkee for hosting this week's Carnival of Personal Finance. He adds a nice British flair to it with his Glastonbury Festival theme.

My contribution was When Less is More, a reminder about keeping in mind the purpose of money and why more isn't necessarily better.

My picks for best posts from the carnival are:

  • Money and Happiness at My Money and My Life. She writes about Jean Chatzky's book You Don't Have to Be Rich which talks about how, after a certain point, money doesn't really make us that much happier.

  • Lifestyle Inflation by Amy Fontinelle at savingadvice.com. It's about how lifestyle inflation can easily sneak up on us. She has a few pointers on how to avoid it.

  • Personal Rate of Return at The Financial Buff. He talks about the difference between Time Weighted Rate of Return and Dollar Weighted Rate of Return and how they should be used for different purposes.


story said...

Thanks for the mention!

TFB said...

Thanks for the link. I'm glad you liked my post.